Cloud Computing Trends 2022

Cloud Computing Trends 2022

Cloud computing is rapidly expanding, and it has various advantages over traditional computer systems. Migrating to the cloud, for example, can save firms money by decreasing the need for on-premises gear and software. Furthermore, cloud services may be scaled up or down as needed, making them an excellent choice for enterprises that encounter seasonal changes in traffic.

As this trend continues, it is critical for business owners to be educated about emerging cloud computing developments so that they may prepare their enterprises accordingly. In 2022, smarter cloud delivery models will be available. Serverless and hybrid cloud models are the two most popular.

Cloud Hybrid

The term “hybrid cloud” refers to a combination of different delivery types, including public, private, and dedicated. It enables businesses to go hybrid for specific applications, allowing them to move away from reliance on a single cloud while continuing to use historical infrastructure assets without having to replace existing technology.

Cloud Computing without Servers

Serverless cloud computing, also known as Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS), is a cloud computing architecture in which the cloud provider manages the distribution of computing resources dynamically in order to fulfill the demand from running applications. It is an event-driven, on-demand service that enables developers to write short, one-time functions that are triggered by events.

Serverless cloud computing has numerous advantages over traditional server hosting. Businesses, for example, no longer have to worry about managing and maintaining servers. Furthermore, serverless cloud services are scalable and quickly adaptable to changing needs or demands.
As more firms migrate their activities online, the popularity of serverless cloud computing is predicted to expand in 2022.

Introducing Intelligence to the Cloud Computing Space

The cloud has developed into more than just a computational power storage facility. Organizations are interested in gaining insights from data available through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as increasing efficiency through optimal automation methods.

Cloud Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two of today’s most discussed technologies. And with good reason: they have enormous potential benefits for enterprises.

Both machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to process massive volumes of data faster and more efficiently than humans. They can also assist organizations in making better decisions by offering information about client behaviour, trends, and preferences.

Cloud Automation Services

Cloud providers provide solutions that allow businesses to monitor and manage their cloud usage and management through cloud automation services. This comprises function-as-a-service (FaaS), serverless computing, storage as a service, auto-scaling for cloud-based web applications, real-time monitoring of virtual machines, and so on.

According to reports, by 2022, cloud automation services would be worth $12.38 billion, while cloud management tools will be worth $21 billion.

Security and compliance have been improved

Businesses are increasingly concerned about the security of their cloud deployments and data compliance. Cloud providers are responding by improving security features and obtaining compliance certifications. This has resulted in a significant increase in the need for Secure Access Service Edge and Cloud-based disaster recovery procedures.

Innovation and application development technologies were highlighted

Cloud computing has opened up new avenues for application development, particularly with containers and Kubernetes. Containers are a lightweight method of packaging applications that allows them to be easily deployed on any cloud platform or architecture.

Kubernetes is an open-source container management system. It has grown in popularity among DevOps teams because it allows them to automate container deployment, scaling, and operations.

Cloud gaming, augmented reality, and virtual reality is all growing in popularity

Cloud gaming will experience great growth in the coming years. Google Stadia and Amazon Luna will impact the future of cloud gaming in 2022. The introduction of Cloud Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) headsets has increased the accessibility of VR/AR headsets while also promoting the growth of cloud gaming across diverse demographics.

Cloud-based VR and AR will also be employed in data visualization, product design engineering, and other fields. Because of new service models and hardware availability, cloud gaming is predicted to increase at an exponential rate.


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