How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Climate Change?

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Climate Change?

Undeniably, climate change is the biggest challenge our planet is facing. A challenge that has put the entire planet and future generations to come in danger. With the advancement of technology and emerging tech solutions, we need to try out every possible technology like AI, Robotics, etc. to combat this issue. In this blog, we discuss, how artificial intelligence(AI) can help fight climate change.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are not the only emerging technologies but they can definitely provide new insights to help us bring a global change.

Better Predictions

Studies suggest that building advanced climate informatics can help scientists predict or map future disasters and also provide newer insights. For instance, AI can help release valuable insights by showing simulations generated through climate modeling. This can revolutionize the way climate prediction activities function.

It will help scientists make better predictions, in turn snowballing into policymakers and global leaders making better choices. World Leaders and Governments can make policies and execute them to bring in a much-needed change. For instance, discovering potential geographical areas where climate change can be reversed with more sustainable choices.  

Impact of Extreme Weather

Put the focus on the man-made disasters happening all around the globe. Take a look at the destruction of extreme weather in Texas. Or the forest fires in Amazon or Australia. Careless mining activities and deforestation. Artificial Intelligence can help stress the importance of the impact of extreme weather conditions by generating visual simulations.

Visuals are far more effective and make for a great tool when presenting a case. What people may not understand completely verbally, visuals can put the right message across. For example, scientists and researchers use GANs which is a type of AI to simulate visuals displaying what homes may look like in far more extreme weather.

Measure the Carbon Emissions

With the help of AI, we can automate the process of analysis of power plants. This will ensure the correct measurement of carbon emissions. It can also bring in newer methods to measure a plant’s impact by analyzing the statistics of nearby infrastructure and electricity usage.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can also enhance the education system for future generations to come. This will result in spreading awareness of the consequences of climate change to our coming generations as well. It is important to educate our children on how to reduce the carbon footprint. Teaching sustainable methods of lifestyle is as crucial as basic education. The global economy is largely dependent on how we use our emerging tech. It is imperative to make a move to a low-carbon future. And for this, we will need valuable insights on the impact on the climate of every action we make.  


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