Cloud Migration Tips | Cloud Computing

Cloud Migration Tips | Cloud Computing

Cloud computing services are now available to businesses of all sizes, with packages designed to meet a range of bandwidth requirements and budgets. And, with the promise of increased data storage, scalability, mobility, and cost savings, an increasing number of small businesses are answering the call.

Choose an Email Hosting Service

Running an Exchange server on-premises is a strain not only on your server but also on your IT team. A cloud-based email system is simple to set up and removes virtually (get it?) all management from your hands. The most popular cloud platforms are scalable, affordable, and mobile-optimized options. And, because the emails aren’t stored on your server, you won’t lose them if disaster strikes. Furthermore, cloud-based systems automatically archive everything, protecting your company whenever an employee deletes an email they shouldn’t have.

Change Your File Servers

Pulling the plug on the old on-premise file server and replacing it with a cloud-based provider is a scary thought at first. In reality, today’s businesses require employees to have access to work files from any location and at any time. A cloud-based platform places you in the global workplace around the clock and makes it easier for your employees to collaborate. Of course, if you have an unplanned outage, you don’t have to worry about your data being lost. Google (GoogleDrive) and Microsoft (OneDrive) are popular choices in this category, but a business-grade version of Dropbox is also a viable option.

Go for Hosted Voice

Call forwarding, conference calling, and call recording were once considered enterprise-only communications features. However, cloud-based hosted voice services have completely transformed how businesses of all sizes communicate with their customers and with one another. Hosted Voice provides numerous advantages, including flexibility, scalability, cost savings, and, perhaps most importantly, mobility.

Security Management

Cyberattacks and data breaches are unavoidable in today’s business world, and while cloud solutions provide their own set of security policies, controls, and technologies, you must still ensure that your company’s information is secure. Always have your IT manager investigate your cloud service provider’s backup plan, and make sure you establish your own company policies regarding passwords and encryption to ensure that everyone is working together to keep your data safe in the cloud.


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