Development and Operations | Benefits of DevOps

Development and Operations | Benefits of DevOps

So, what exactly is DevOps? Simply put, it is a mash-up of two terms (development and operations). In a nutshell, it’s an enterprise software development term that refers to a type of agile relationship between IT Development and Operations teams, which are traditionally two separate business units.

Goal of DevOps

The goal of DevOps is to change the culture of large enterprises and improve interdepartmental relationships by advocating for better communication and collaboration. Previously, Operations would wait for the Development team to complete an app’s creation and testing within its silo before releasing it to Operations for implementation. This waterfall strategy would typically result in multiple deployment delays because the Operations team would invariably raise issues with Development when the code, once received, did not function properly.

In a DevOps model, Operations becomes a co-owner of the Development cycle and provides valuable input early in the design process so that developers can build a product that is more in line with Operation’s performance expectations and implementation requirements. DevOps enables organizations to create and improve products at a much faster rate than traditional software development approaches allow. And it’s becoming increasingly popular.

Benefits of DevOps

Shorter development cycles result in a faster time to market

Less time is spent fixing software because collaboration and continuous testing aid in getting it right before release, allowing for faster innovation and improved ROI. This is the most significant advantage of a DevOps model.

There is minimal disruption

More agile development enables early detection and faster correction of problems as they occur, or even before they occur, limiting customer service disruption.


Workgroups that collaborate. Everyone is accountable for quality, timeliness, budget, and app performance; everyone shares the credit for happier, more engaged teams. Culture becomes more concerned with overall project success than with individual goals.

Less Blame Game

Get rid of the blame game. Putting everyone on the same team improves transparency for group decision-making and communication, and eliminates the “war room” atmosphere in the workplace.

Enhanced IT Process

Processes in IT and teams have been improved. Input from both sides of the DevOps fence results in more streamlined workflows that are less prone to error and programming defects, while also addressing overall IT priorities.

Enhanced automation

Many DevOps tasks, such as testing code for bug discovery, can be automated, saving time and increasing efficiencies. Tasks that cannot be automated can be completed by developers.


Make time to concentrate. Smoother deployments with fewer failures and rollbacks give software engineers more time to focus on improving the next release’s quality and performance.

Self-improvement and cross-skilling

Push IT staff outside of their comfort zones to learn new skills, be exposed to new ideas, and form new relationships. This increases team flexibility and agility, allowing them to handle more diverse tasks.

Consolidate Environment

Remove the needless task of moving data between environments. Save time and money by using the same environment for development, testing, and deployment. Meet business objectives with fewer employees while driving down costs and lowering overhead.


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