The entire world is harnessing the power of AI, ever since its inception. A fascinating discussion regarding the future of artificial intelligence and what it will/should mean for humanity is happening around the world. Researchers across the globe are constantly brainstorming the role of artificial intelligence in human lives in the times to come. In this blog, we bust some common AI myths for you. Read on to find out more.

What Could AI be like in the Future?

There are fascinating debates over AI’s future impact on the employment market, whether or not human-level AI will be developed, and whether or not this would result in an intelligence explosion. We have no way of knowing how AI will act because it has the potential to become more intelligent than any human. We can’t take previous technical advancements as a starting point because we’ve never produced something that can outsmart us, either intentionally or unintentionally. Our own evolution may be the best indication of what we may face. People now have authority over the world, not because of any natural disasters.

Common Artificial Intelligence Myths Busted:

Super-Intelligent AI by the year 2100 is Impossible/ Inevitable

Researchers and experts constantly researching and understanding the evolution of artificial intelligence, claim that such myths cannot be substantiated with facts. The way AI is evolving every year and with the application of artificial intelligence in almost every industry today, it is sure-fire any claim. The inception of super-intelligent AI can take place in years, decades, or possibly never.

The Worry about AI Safety is Baseless

Many people are of the belief that only Luddites worry about the safety and further evolution of artificial intelligence. However, the fact is that since there are so many varied applications of AI today, and in so many different industries. Researchers are constantly worried about the safety and evolution of AI. Experts are monitoring AI trends and the latest developments to map future predictions for this evolving technology.

Artificial Intelligence Gaining Conscious

This is a myth that AI is developing its own mind/consciousness. Artificial Intelligence only relies on the programming done by humans. The real concern, however, should be that AI today is focusing only on the goal, and not how it achieves it. For instance, an AI has been programmed for a specific task, but the AI ends up meeting the end goal of the task by devising a strategy that is causing damage to other components of the issue.

Artificial Intelligence Can Never Control Humans

For humans to underestimate the power of AI can prove damaging. Remember, humans today are at the top of their game because of their intelligence and cognitive skills. What all other animals lack, humans have that, the power of an intelligent mind. So, to say AI could never control humans would be misjudging the power of a technology that is highly intelligent in nature.

Robots Are Turning Evil

Bots are not the main concern. Bots just have a body that gives AI the tool to perform various tasks. To say the Robots are evil is a myth. The real evil, however, could intelligent programming went wrong. Humans could devise AI technology with superior abilities but if it has misaligned goals, that could be the real evil. AI does not need a robotic body always, just an internet connection is enough.


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