How AI integrated with other technologies will shape the future?

How AI integrated with other technologies will shape the future?

From huge computers to smartphones and now artificial intelligence which can mimic human behavior, we have made massive developments in technology. You would agree that artificial intelligence is the buzzword today and there is a steep increase in AI-related jobs, products, and services. Read this blog to know how artificial intelligence will shape the landscape of the future. 

Cloud & AI

Needless to say, cloud-computing is the real deal today! The enormous demand for cloud technologies can be seen across industries and markets. Cloud computing allows greater storage, security, enhances computing power, making business processes easy and smooth. Many believe the integration of artificial intelligence with cloud computing has the potential to be a game-changer. When integrated together, these emerging technologies can help us achieve successful accomplishments. For example, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Watson, and Microsoft Azure are awesome cloud platforms that have helped businesses to transform their functioning and maximize profits.  

AI with Robotics

Robotics is an upcoming technology that began spreading its wings in recent years. Robotics has successfully been implemented into daily lives in various businesses and other processes. It is undeniable that robotics has a wide range of implementation in our real-world for instance, in industries, military operations, factories, healthcare among many others. In the coming times, artificial intelligence integrated with robotics will bring about revolutionary changes in how humans function. Robotics can enhance processes to gather, analyze, and evaluate data. This goes onto show that AI and Robotics have massive scope for further advancements in the future. With less or little manual effort AI and robotics can automate many tasks resulting in top-class manufacturing outcomes. Humans are yet to witness the infinite potential of robotics along with artificial intelligence. 

Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 & AI

Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 or GPT-3 is a form of AI which is best for creating content (human-like language) with the help of deep learning. This model is an evolution in natural language processing and it is capable of writing articles and content just like any other human being. Here we can see the integration of deep learning and AI which has been developed to reach such an advanced potential. The good news is that funds and support in this field are pouring in continuously and GPT-3 has the potential to do a lot more. For instance today we see AI in industries, factories, gaming and there is scope for exponential growth. 

Internet of Things (IoT) & AI

Internet of Things or IoT is any physical things or objects connected to the internet for exchanging information or data with other systems and devices connected over the internet. The integration of artificial intelligence with IoT creates a new subdivision known as the AIOT or artificial internet of things. When combined together, both technologies can help create intelligent machines and systems which can demonstrate smart outcomes like decision-making capability. All of this could be achieved with no or little manual intervention. For example – Alexa, Google AI, and Siri all reflect high intellect and massive potential for unknown possibilities in the future.

Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs & AI

This is simply described as to what the future of deep learning could do. Developed in the year 2014, it can create never seen before images and visuals. Deep Learning is constantly evolving with various advancements so, GANs reflect an increasingly growing curve. Many suggest that with the integration of GANs and artificial intelligence, the concept of AI will transform totally. Generative Adversarial Network is a complex topic to understand but it has a strong scope of development in the coming future. It has the potential to bring about technological advancements that go beyond the capacity of human imagination.    

Artificial Intelligence can help us reach limitless heights. What changes it can bring when AI is integrated with emerging technologies remains a fascinating reality that we can witness in the future. 


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